Hooke's Law: Nonlinear Generalization and Applications
Part 3: Distribution of Stress in Prisms and Beams

Prof. Dr. Hans Schneeberger
Institute of Statistics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
2021, 26th of October


As stated in [5], part II, the distribution of stress σ in the bending pressure zone of a beam is identical with the distribution of stress in a non-centric loaded prism in such a manner, that the strain ε2, remote to the loading, is zero (see figure 1).

In a huge number of experiments with the variables
ε1 (0/00 = ε0 (in contrast to ε2=0)

x=1-β0, the center of loading; NB! The width of the prism d=150cm (see [5], part II, figure 2) is standardized to 1: 0 ≤ x = ≤ 1 = d/150,

, the (relative) loading; 𝐾b(kg/cm2) is the utmost strength of the prism with centric loading - Generally: Index 0 means „experiment with ε2=0“,

in [2] the experimental results are given in dependence on strength of cube W=W20 (kg/cm2; cube length 20 cm) and (B for break). See also tables 1, 2, 3 and figures 4, 5 and 6 of [5], part II.

With these experimental data 3 hypothesis were postulated in II (hypothetical values are signed as in contrast to experimental values – as it is usus in statistics).

The good coincidence of experiments and hypotheses can be seen in the tables and figures of [5], part II.

Distribution of stress σ in an eccentric pressed prism (with ε2=0)

The (relative) stress y(x)=σ(x)/Κb is

Hypothesis 4: y(x)=Axe-Bx

Sketch of an eccentrically pressed prism

Fig. 1: Sketch of an eccentrically pressed prism with center of pressure x=1-β0 so, that ε2=0

see figure 1. That means: The stress-function σ(x) for eccentric pressed prisms is of the same mathematical form as for centric pressed prisms, as Κb, as well as W, is a constant for a fixed experiment.

The two parameters A and B are estimated by minimizing according to the method of least squares of Gauss


together by minimizing the objective function D=D1+D2.

The values of and are given in [5], part II, tables 2 and 1 for a series of values of W and of κ

For example for W=300 and κ=0,9 we have 0.653 and 0.374.

The minimum of D is found by the iterative nonlinear Simplex-method of Nelder and Mead [1]. The resulting optimal parameters A and B of hypothesis H4 are registerd together with figure 2 for W=80, figure 3 for W=160, figure 4 for W=300, figure 5 for W=450 and figure 6 for W= 600 (kg/cm2). To every value of W seven values of κ= 0.3, 0.4, … 0.9 were chosen for stress-lines. For κ>0.9 and W< 80 I do not put my hand in the fire with my formulae. This may already be seen in figure 5b of [5], part II for κ=0.9 and small values of W.

Stress lines W 80kg/cm2

Fig. 2: W=80 kg/cm². stress-lines y=Axe-Bx and strain ε0 according to H3 ([5], part II): =aε0e-bε0

κ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
A 0.4082 0.5601 0.7577 1.0230 1.4540 2.1750 3.5630
B 0.0306 0.0663 0.1726 0.3295 0.5850 0.9321 1.4280

Stress lines W 80kg/cm2

Fig. 3: W=160 kg/cm². stress-lines y=Axe-Bx and strain ε0 according to H3 ([5], part II): =aε0e-bε0

κ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
A 0.4057 0.5551 0.7325 0.9661 1.3080 1.8530 2.7990
B 0.0199 0.0556 0.1284 0.2532 0.4463 0.7235 1.1050

Stress lines W 80kg/cm2

Fig. 4: W=300 kg/cm². stress-lines y=Axe-Bx and strain ε0 according to H3 ([5], part II): =aε0e-bε0

κ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
A 0.4035 0.5470 0.7070 0.8996 1.1530 1.5110 2.0590
B 0.0126 0.0358 0.0805 0.1586 0.2810 0.4581 0.7037

Stress lines W 80kg/cm2

Fig. 5: W=450 kg/cm². stress-lines y=Axe-Bx and strain ε0 according to H3 ([5], part II): =aε0e-bε0

κ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
A 0.4019 0.5415 0.6904 0.8587 1.0600 1.3170 1.6680
B 0.0071 0.0217 0.0485 0.0966 0.1708 0.2792 0.4309

Stress lines W 80kg/cm2

Fig. 6: W=600 kg/cm². stress-lines y=Axe-Bx and strain ε0 according to H3 ([5], part II): =aε0e-bε0

κ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
A 0.4014 0.5380 0.6813 0.8341 1.0080 1.2110 1.4650
B 0.0054 0.0125 0.0306 0.0573 0.1038 0.1691 0.2636

In the left part of the figures the disrtribution of stress y is given.

The strain ε is zero for x=0 according to the experiments. For x=1 strain ε=ε0 can be computed with formulae =aε0e-bε0 of [5], part II. This is shown in the right part of the figures. For example in the experiment with W=300 and some values of we get (see also figure 4):

.3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
ε0 .39 .55 .72 .92 1.16 1.45 1.86

Distribution of stress σ in the bending pressure zone of a beam

According to [5], part II the distribution of the stress in the bending pressure zone of a beam is identical with that of a corresponding eccentric pressed prism with ε2=0: The side of the prism with ε=0 (y-axis in figure 1) is equivalent with the neutral axis of the beam (see figure 7).

Sketch of  the bending pressure zone of a beam

Fig. 7: Sketch of the bending pressure zone of a beam

In figures 8, ..., 12 the lower part give the stress-lines in the bending pressure zones of the beams. They simply are the mirror-images of the stress lines of the corresponding prisms, reflected at the mirror with y=x.

The curves =aε0e-bε0 in the upper part of the figures are the same as those of the corresponding prisms (in a somewhat modified scale).

Fig. 8: W=80 kg/cm². Strain ε0 and stress-lines
In the bending pressure zone 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

Fig. 9: W=160 kg/cm². Strain ε0 and stress-lines
In the bending pressure zone 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

Fig. 10: W=300 kg/cm². Strain ε0 and stress-lines
In the bending pressure zone 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

Fig. 11: W=450 kg/cm². Strain ε0 and stress-lines
In the bending pressure zone 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

Fig. 12: W=600 kg/cm². Strain ε0 and stress-lines
In the bending pressure zone 0 ≤ x ≤ 1


The experiments, the results of which are used in this analysis, were directed by Rüsch [2] at the University of Technology Munich. The evaluation of the data was done under the direction of Scholz, who also made two hypotheses on the distribution of the stress in beams ([3] and [4]).


[1] Nelder, J.R. and Mead, R. (1965). A Simplex Method for function minimization. The Computer Journal, 7, 303-313.

[2] Rüsch H. (1955). Versuche zur Festigkeit der Biegedruckzone. Deutscher Ausschuß für Stahlbeton, Heft 120

[3] Scholz G.(1957). Über die wahrscheinlichste Spannungsverteilung in der Biegedruckzone von Stahlbetonbalken mit rechteckigem Querschnitt. Dissertation

[4] Scholz G. 1960). Festigkeit der Biegedruckzone, Heft 139. Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton, Heft 139

[5] Schneeberger H. (2020). Hooke's Law: Nonlinear Generalization and Applications.

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